Food Service

Food Service Rules and Regulations (511-6-1) Effective 11/1/2015, Revised 2/24/23 to reflect changes as it relates to the authorization of mobile food service establishments from HB1443, to reflect changes to the definition of "Food Service Establishment" from SB 345, 9/17/18 to add a provision for “pop-up” restaurants, and 10/21/18 to reflect changes in catering operations to accommodate the motion picture industry.

Food Rules in Spanish
Does not include the 2/24/23 revision or the 9/16/20 revision that reflect changes to the definition of “Food Service Establishment " from SB 345.

Call 404-657-6534 for information about obtaining a permit to sell food. Click here for additional details.

Additional Documents:

Non-Medical Clearance Forms

Non-Medical Clearance Forms for Employees Working in Highly Suspectable Facilities

For complaints (Covid-19 included), record requests, services, inspections, exams, or other locally-related questions, contact your County Environmental Health Office (pdf).