This is an example of a 25/30 answer to the above question, as marked by the AQA.
In the pictures below, I’ve highlighted all of the candidate’s evaluations in red to show you the balance of knowledge and evaluation required to get into the top mark band!
This is also a good example of a borderline Band 4-Band 5 answer… it just wants a little more evaluation to go up even higher.
NB It’s the same response all the way through, I’ve just repeated the title on the two pages!
Examiner’s commentary
This is a thorough account of a range of functionalist studies. There is sophisticated understanding of the material presented.
Analysis is clear and the material is well explained using appropriate concepts. This conceptual detail in some evaluation is shown, although this is limited to internal evaluation between the various functionalist perspectives.
Other perspectives are only briefly mentioned in the final paragraph. This could be developed further to show a clear debate between perspectives. The answer shows application of material from the item and also from the student’s knowledge. This is accurately applied to the question.
The final concluding paragraph could be more developed. The brief points on Marxism and feminism could be developed throughout the answer rather then simply stated at the end.
Analysis is explicit and relevant.
AQA specimen material 2015